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What Our Customers Are Saying…

Peter, Belrose

“I started tutoring with Jeffrey Quinn in 2002 when I was in year 9 and achieving a maths average 35%. It was embarrassing for me to be achieving such low scores when it came to exam times while others boasted about their 90% marks. My confidence in maths was low and that’s why I went to Jeff. He started me off at the basics of maths, personally spending the time with me as I restudied year 4 maths. There were no changes in my marks for around half a year until the end of year 9 exams which I scored a mark of 50%. I continued with Jeffrey and my average in math’s increased to 60%. By the end of year 10 I was achieving marks of over 70%, not just in maths but in other subjects also. In year 11 I was ranking at the top of my General Maths class. My final mark in the HSC for Maths was a band 4 with 77%.
My confidence in Maths increased through Jeffrey Quinn’s tutoring and support, not only with Maths but in other subjects and areas of my life. My social life became existent as I found a new confidence within myself, and being nominated I was chosen as School Captain of Covenant Christian School.
While the increase of marks in Maths didn’t happen within a month, through persistence it did happen.”

Karen, Mona Vale

“I have been using the services of Frontrunner earning centre for 4 years and it has made a huge impact on my children’s education. I am the mother of three children, two boys aged 13 and 16 and a girl aged 5.
I first contacted Jeffrey Quinn at Frontrunner Learning Centre after a referral from a friend. My now 13 year was in year 5 and was still struggling with the basics of literature. He was slow to start reading and found it difficult to concentrate and focus on his work. I had tried three other tutoring systems with no real improvement. Once we started working with Jeffrey things started to change, my son was diagnosed with a form of dyslexia and we began a process to work with this difficulty.
Since the diagnosis of his needs my son’s grades have really improved. He has gained a spot in an extension maths class and is doing really well in other areas, including English. The biggest improvement is his confidence and effort that he puts into his school work. He loves going to his weekly sessions with Jeffrey and values the fact that he always has someone to ask if he needs help. I cannot recommend these services more highly for a child that needs more remedial help. My son continues to go to his weekly tutorial sessions and hopefully will continue for a few more years to come.
My second reason to contact Frontrunner Learning Centre was when my eldest son was in Year 9. He was always a competent student but with lots of sporting commitments his grades started to slip. I contact Jeffrey for some extension Mathematics assistance.  My son was put into a group with similar students who were able to work at Maths at a high level. My son was very hesitant to go to tutoring but after the first lesson was a big fan.  He enjoyed the time focused on him and was able to take any challenging problems to the group. He was on the verge of being taken out of extension maths but after about 6 months had regained his spot in the top 10 of the year.
The most important tool that my son learnt from Jeffrey was how to schedule his week.  They worked out a study routine which could fit in his training schedule, homework and a little free time. My son has now moved to a private school and is unable to go to his tutoring sessions anymore, however, the skills and study techniques that he learnt are invaluable.
I would recommend the services of Frontrunner learning centre to anyone who needs some extra help. Jeffrey has an amazing rapport with kids & teens and has kept the boys challenged and focused and for this I am very grateful.”

Deenie, Collaroy Plateau

“I forgot to tell you this morning. She got 71% in her Maths test.
She was very happy.
She clearly sees some improvement in her grades and is happy to continue.
(The last test before she started with you she got 42%)
I am selling your services to anyone that needs tuition.
Many thanks for your support.”

Miles, Narrabeen

“… just had to tell you the difference in his approach to homework, his ability to successfully complete it and his confidence as high as it was when he finished his Readbetter with Cellfield intervention Phase1 and how amazed we are with his continuing improvement across all subjects during Phase 2.
Thank you sooo much.
I cannot believe the difference in my son.
All smiles now…”
– Father of a 12-year-old who had a reading age of 8 years (April 13th, 2013) before the Readbetter with Cellfield intervention – and 13 years plus after completion (April 29th 2013)! –

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