Tutoring services

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Tutoring services

You’ve made the decision that your child needs extra support in learning. Perhaps it was prompted by a conversation with their teacher or by the latest report.




Perhaps you’ve simply noticed an subject that could use some improvement. Regardless of the reason, the challenging part lies ahead – selecting a tutor. And you want one who is close to Plumpton.


The internet offers options, options and more options but how do you find the best tutor for your child? It’s difficult but, once you’ve asked all the right question, you’ll know that Frontrunner can help your child. Whether your school is Plumpton Public, Plumpton High, Good Shepherd or Richard Johnson, Frontrunner can help you.  We’re just down Rooty Hill Rd North and have been there for almost 30 years. We’ve survived that long because we’re trained – we’re experienced – we know that your child’s education is important to you.

Look at the question you need to ask and decide whether Frontrunner is the place for your child.

1  Firstly, consider reputation. How long has the tutor been operating in the area? What is the understanding of the specific needs of children in Plumpton? Opt for a tutor who has been here for a long time because they have knowledge about the area, schools and the unique needs of children in this community.

2. Secondly, find out whether the tutor is a trained teacher. Do they have teaching experience and a comprehensive understanding of educational issues in both NSW and in Plumpton? Look for tutors who have relevant experience and have proper training.

3. Next, determine whether they have experience or training in Special Education or Gifted Education. Seek a tutor who can offer more than just teaching the standard curriculum.

4. Additionally, find out whether they have connections with other educational and health professionals. A tutor who is respected by other professionals and can provide referrals is the one you should choose.

5. Consider whether they use recognised and standardised testing or if they simply make assumptions about your child’s needs. It’s important to select a tutor who employs proper testing methods from the best sources. Weak testing leads to incorrect results and ineffective programs.

6. Check to see whether the program they offer is tailored to the individual needs of your child. Look for a tutor who can adapt their teaching to address your child’s specific requirements, rather than relying on a generic program.

6. Take into account the size of the group. If there are more than six children in the group, it’s a classroom setting rather than personalised tuition.

7. Determine if you will have the opportunity to see the testing process. It is preferable to choose a tutor who involves you in your child’s testing.

8. Ask questions in the assessment. After all, you want to make sure that the tutor knows what they’re talking about. Look for a tutor who takes the time to explain what needs to be done and why.

9. Consider the level of regular contact you will have with the tutor. It is important to select someone who will keep you informed about your child’s needs and progress.

By following these guidelines, you’ll discover that Frontrunner Learning Centre is the best place for your child.



To learn more about the services offered at Frontrunner Learning Centres and how we can assist your child, please contact us at 9832 8299 or visit www.frontrunnerlearningcentres.com.au. You can schedule a free assessment, using recognised standardised testing, to determine your child’s specific needs.


Visit us at the roundabout on Rooty Hill Rd Nth and Sherbrooke St just down the hill from Rooty Hill RSL Club.



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