Tutoring services

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Tutoring services

Once you’ve made the decision that your child needs extra help in their learning, you need to choose a tutor.



With so many options available, it can be hard to choose the best fit for your child. Just look at the points below so you can choose a tutor who will help your child. And find one who is near to Marayong.


Firstly, consider the tutor’s reputation. How long have they been working in this field? Do they understand the specific needs of children in Marayong? You should choose a tutor who has been established in Marayong for a long time and not someone a newcomer.  They have knowledge about the local schools and the unique requirements of children in this area.

Secondly, it is crucial that the tutor is a trained teacher. A teacher has years of training and experience and a comprehensive understanding of educational issues in the Marayong area. Look for tutors who have relevant experience and have received proper training as they will have a strong foundation of knowledge.

It helps to find a tutor who has training in Special Education or Gifted Education. This means that they can offer more than just teaching the standard curriculum.

Next, consider whether the tutor has works with other educational and health professionals, especially those near to Marayong. It’s best to choose a tutor who is respected by other professionals and can provide referrals.

A good tutor uses  recognised and standardised testing rather than relying on assumptions about your child’s needs. Selecting a tutor who has spent time and money learning about valid testing methods from reputable sources is crucial because inaccurate testing can lead to incorrect results and useless programs.

Check that the program offered by the tutor is tailored to the individual needs of your child. Look for a tutor who can adapt their teaching to address your child’s specific requirements, rather than relying on a generic program.

Lastly, take into account the size of the group. If there are more than six children in the tutoring session, it may be less effective for your child.

Once you’ve asked these question, call us to arrange a FREE, no obligation educational assessment. We’ll tell you whether your child needs support.Then, we’ll develop a program especially for your child.

After all, Frontrunner has been here for almost 30 years and has taught kids from State schools like Quakers Hill High and Marayong Public as well as from private schools like St Andrews or Holy Cross Primary. We know the area and we know the children


Just one lesson per week – and it’s just over Richmond Road in Rooty Hill, near Rooty Hill RSL Club – and your child will get the help to succeed.




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