Tutoring services

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Tutoring services

If you’re searching for tuition in Erskine Park, it’s clear that you’ve already recognised that your child could use some extra support.




Your child may just need a little boost, has been needing assistance for a while, or is facing a more significant challenge. Whatever the case may be, Frontrunner Learning Centres is where you’ll find the help you need. And if we can’t assist you, we can offer advice and connect you with those who can. And it’s just down the road from Erskine Park, in Rooty Hill.

Our team is dedicated to providing the best possible support for our students, thanks to years of training and experience. That’s why the Frontrunner method is so effective – we know what we’re doing.

To learn more about how Frontrunner Learning Centres can benefit your child, give us a call at 9832 8299 or visit www.frontrunnerlearningcentres.com.au.

Whether your child attends Erskine Park High School, Mamre Anglican School, James Erskine Public or, Trinity Catholic Primary School, or any other school in Erskine Park, Frontrunner Learning Centres is here to assist you. If you’re in need of tuition in Erskine Park, be sure to ask a few questions.


What do they know about the needs of children in Erskine Park?

Look for a tutor who has been around here for a long time; they will know the area, the schools and the needs of children HERE.


Is the tutor a qualified teacher?

A teacher has spent years studying and years developing their skills. You wouldn’t go to your local mechanic to look after your teeth. Teachers with extra training – in Special of Gifted Education, in dyslexia, in ASD or in other areas – have more knowledge and more ways of helping your child.


Do they have access to other educational and health professionals?

A good tutor isn’t afraid of reaching out to other professionals for help. Referring to those professionals is what might make the difference for your child.


What testing do they use?

Look for someone who uses well-known tests. Training in those tests means that the tutor can develop a proper program for your child.


Is the program written for the individual?

Steer clear of “off the shelf” programs. You want something that is developed for your child.


How big is the group? 

If the group has more than six, it’s a classroom. If they are all doing the same subject at the same time, it’s a classroom.


Do you get to watch the testing?

You want to see how your child and the tutor react to each other. This gives you a clue as to how your child will progress.


Once you’ve answered those questions, just call us and then come down the highway to Rooty Hill RSL. We’re just down the hill at the roundabout at the  bottom of Sherbrooke St.

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