Tutoring services

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Tutoring services

You’ve decided that your child needs a little extra in learning.



Maybe, it’s because the teacher has spoken to you. Maybe, it’s because of the latest report. Maybe you just see something that needs doing a little bit better.

Whatever the reason, the hard part is about to start. You need to choose a tutor. You need to find one that’s near to Colyton.

Searching the internet gives you many, many options but how do you choose the best tutor for your child? Just consider the questions below. Once you do all that, you’ll find that Frontrunner Learning Centre in Rooty Hill is the place for your child.





Is the tutor a qualified teacher?

Look for someone who has seen years in training and years in developing their skills. If they have kept up their training, they will know even more. Training in ASD, dyslexia, linguistic development etc, all makes a teacher more likely to help your child.


How long has the tutor taught in Colyton?

Every community is different. Every school has different needs. Knowing those differences will help in knowing your child’s needs.


Do they work with other health and educational professionals?

Referring to other people is not an admission of failure. It’s a sign that the tutor has your child’s needs at heart.



What testing is done?

Without using recognised, standardised tests, a tutor cannot know where to begin. Then they don’t know what program to develop. They aren’t able to measure performance. If the assessment takes less than an hour, it’s not really assessment. Make sure you can watch the assessment in progress; you will get to see whether you’re happy to leave your child under the tutor’s care.



Does the tutor develop the program?

An “off the shelf” program is not designed to suit your child’s needs. A program must be carefully developed and modified, as time goes on.



What does the tuition look like?

Tutors who offer lessons for specific subjects, at specific times (like 4pm on Thursday for Secondary English) are rung classrooms. THat’s not tuition. When there are more than 6 students, that’s a class, not tuition.

We’ve been around and tutoring children from schools in Colyton for many years – whether those schools be State Schools like Colyton High or Bennet road Public School or private schools like Emmaus Catholic College or Holy Spirit Primary School or others – and have gotten to know the ways those schools do things. We understand the needs of the children of the area and the ways to help your child.


If you want t know more about what Frontrunner Learning Centres can do to help you help your child, call us on 9832 8299 or go to www.frontrunnerlearningcentres.com.au. You’ll be able to arrange a free, no obligation assessment – using recognised, standardised testing – to find out what your child needs most.




We’re just around the corner so you can find us at the roundabout on Rooty Hill Rd Nth and Sherbrooke St, just down the hill from Rooty Hill RSL. We have parking at the front of the building, in the back and in the grounds of the Uniting Church, next door.








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